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Company Profile

DIT established in 2000, is a manufacturer of CO2 and dry ice, and has provided rational and economical efficiency price and specialized service, and not only for industry gas, but releated equipments and tubing engineering services, As an all round supplier, we have been aggressively developing whole plant equipments to unify the product lines on which a new vision rises.

On the basis of conception on environment, and the dry ice and carbon dioxide markets get mature, we introuduce the blasting technic to friendly environment phase which includes supercritical carbon dioxide and CO2 snow. By the effort of our technic team, the mature releated one reaches, therefore it is successfully used to the field industry, and the demand for this nucellar technic will be more. We started being an agent for Cold Jet Co., USA on March, 2006. and we are bringing a new phenomenon on the industry to satisfy the Taiwan markets.

Company History
2000.09 公司成立
2006.03 代理美國Cold Jet乾冰清洗機,成為台灣總代理
2007.01 設立新竹縣 - 竹北廠
2008.09 慈濟大愛台於《發現》與碳共舞 ~ 二氧化碳廢氣利用節目中收錄敝公司乾冰製造及清洗之專業資訊
2009.06 於大陸地區設立通訊處,推廣經銷商
2009.09 設立高雄廠
2010.04 設立桃園廠
取得在大陸地區之美國Cold Jet乾冰清洗機代理權
2011.11 與「金屬工業研究發展中心」技術研發合作,協助技術創新與發展
2012.4 進駐「經濟部嘉義產業研發中心」,與法人合作相關研究發展
2013 開拓海外市場
2014 乾冰生產設備之整廠輸出

           Chiayi Plant TEL:05-2600963 FAX:05-2684347   E-mail:[email protected]
           Kaohsiung Plant TEL:07-7407993 FAX:07-7407990  
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